Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kell and Abigail

as Cop and Robber

Campbell as a firefighter

Cole played running back for the 7th grade football B-team. I know he also played one other position, but I can't remember what it was, and I never saw him play it. He had fun and is now going to try playing for the 7th grade basketball team.
Cole keeps us busy with sports, band, and choir.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Stage III
As you can see in this stage I replaced the baseboards and painted all the trim white. Talk about a pain in the behind. It took me longer than I thought it would take. I think I'll hire out the rest of the house. I am happy with how it is turning out so far, I just can't wait to finish the next stage.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Stage II
David and Cole put up furring strips for something to screw the roofing into.

Stage I

As you can see we started by taking down all the chair rail, primed, and painted. Starting

to look more like a pre-teen room.

Cole's Room Makeover


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We're Still Here!

In case anyone was wondering, we're still here just extremely busy. So much has happened since we last updated, so when I find the time I'll update.